Balomenos Doors
The management and personel are delighted to welcome you to BALOMENOS DOORS. We provide fine design and high quality products made, entirely on our premises.
Our company deals exclusively with reinforced security doors.
Enjoy your choice and will be glad if you give us the opportunity to offer our services. The founder of BALOMENOS DOORS is Mr. Vasilis Balomenos, which in 1982 began hiw career as a technician in the field of mounting armored security doors. In 1989, Mr. Vasilis Balomenos founded the BALOMENOS DOORS company along with the first exhibition hall. In 2001, BALOMENOS DOORS converted from sole proprietorship to a Limited Company, continuing its dynamic growth path and now equate the name with full specialization in the subject. Today, throughout the Attica operate eleven exhibition halls with reinforced security doors BALOMENOS DOORS, whose distribution and installation is a privately owned transportation and experienced technicians of our company.
click hereΜΟΣΧΑΤΟ. Πειραιώς 51Α. Tel: 210 4820000. Fax: 210 4834567.
ΑΝΩ ΓΛΥΦΑΔΑ. Γούναρη 9. Tel: 210 9615364. Fax: 210 9647372.
ΜΑΡΟΥΣΙ. Κηφισίας 155. Tel: 210 8054498.
ΧΑΛΑΝΔΡΙ. Μεσογείων 325. Tel: 210 6727219.
ΑΓΙΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ. Βουλιαγμένης 319. Tel: 210 9768679.
ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ. Δωδεκανήσου 65. Tel: 210 4133493, 210 4133494.
ΙΛΙΟΝ. Ιλίου 10. Tel: 210 2692027, 210 2692028.
ΦΑΛΗΡΟ. Αμφιθέας 102. Tel: 210 9826059.
Ν. ΙΩΝΙΑ. Ηρακλείου 185. Tel: 210 2795085.
ΑΘΗΝΑ. 3ης Σεπτεμβρίου 136. Tel: 210 8811501.
Ν. ΨΥΧΙΚΟ. Κηφισίας 158. Tel: 210 6775580.